
A Brief History of Beta Consult.

Béta Consult is a limited company established in 1995, the name of the structure, " Béta Consult " comes from an abbreviation for Office of Economiques et Techniques d'Afrique.

Béta Consult is a consulting engineering, economic and financial, totally independent of any business of Public Works, any manufacturer or any business interest. It also provides high quality independent professional in the single client's interest.

The quality of the experts taking part, for its references and those of its technical partners, Béta Consult can form teams with cultural understanding and technical knowledge relevant to virtually every situation. Its multidisciplinary teams allow it to intervene in the most complex projects by providing the convenience of its customers or all of the missions before it.

Partnership support and technical collaboration that links Béta Consult to some international groups of engineering allows it to have at any time for any technical expertise not available in the local market and access to various software, techniques or management developed by these groups.

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